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서늘해진 바랍과 함께 무르익은 산과 들,

​수확의 기쁨을 나누고

일 년의 농사를 갈무리합니다.

묵직하게 잘 여문 결실들을 어루만지며

여름의 뜨거움을 견뎌낸

노고를 되새깁니다.

다가올 겨울을 준비하는 마음으로

​비채나의 가을을 준비하였습니다.


As the wind gets colder,

ripe fruits enrich all mountains and fields.

The harvest is a great joy

and it is the end of farming of a year.

Matured autumn ingredients remind us of

the hard work of farmers

who endured the heat of summer.

But the harvest is also the start

of preparing cold season.

We created our autumn dishes

with all of those meanings of harvest.

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